Ask yourself the hard question – the thorough question – the one that makes you uncomfortable.
“Look Beyond Your World – We’re each constrained by our experiences, but not by our imagination or our intellect. In confronting problems, we usually draw on what is familiar, limiting the potential solutions. Far better to extend our gaze beyond our normal domain, vastly increasing our chances of finding an answer.” Make the Most of You, Patrick Lindsey
About Nature…
“Beetles (Father studied and collected beetles) teach one about the extraordinary variety and organization of nature. You can go anywhere in the world and find beetles that you can identify. As I travel I find friends. How is it that nature has provided this extraordinary variety of animals that can found anywhere you go? The world isn’t just a conglomerate. It has order and structure. I find that reward, refreshing and significant. If you know a little about nature, you can know a little about things around the world. We live in a world where man is the predominant force, but the fact is there are vastly more species of beetles than humans.” “…… My father’s interest and perspective have taught me to keep my eyes open, to look with wonder at the natural world, and to treasure beauty and relationships wherever I find them.” Being a Rockefeller, Becoming Myself Eileen Rockefeller